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Sludgeless Technology

We at QWMS are glad to present to you the latest technology in Waste Water Treatment - PAC plant. Developed in collaboration with and holding TOT from DRDO- Defence Research and Development Organization, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India.PAC is a modular yet robust technology which eliminates the organic COD present in the effluent by the process called Advanced Oxidation Process. It eliminates the conventional phsio-chemical treatment of lime and alum thus giving a fail proof sludge less treatment.Being modular PAC also eliminates the need for civil tanks when compared to the conventional treatment. PAC houses a specially designed SS reaction tank for the treatment and nothing else. Yes! we said MODULAR.

PAC also has the advantage of simplified process. You do not have any continuous operating mechanism in PAC. It does not have any air blowers or clarifiers elimination/ reducing your electrical cost drastically. PAC can be operated as and when required and it does not require process stabilization down time as in conventional.PAC comes with a Control panel which takes care of all the operations from one single point. So, how modular is PAC? PAC is compact, it occupies LESS SPACE. A 60KLD plant requires a room of 20 that is small. PAC can also be installed in modules, thus making it easy for expansions. One more important factor of PAC is it uses Eco-Friendly Chemicals to treat the organic chemicals. Also the most astonishing thing about PAC is that it converts your effluent into just Water and Gas. / reducing your electrical cost drastically. PAC can be operated as and when required and it does not require process stabilization down time as in conventional.

PAC module starts from 500 LPH (i.e. 10KLD) to 5000LPH (i.e. 100KLD)PAC can be implemented for a wide variety of effluents ranging from normal Grey Water to Hazardous Effluents. PAC has been implement in Laundry industries, textile industries, mechanical CNC/fabrication industries and also in Defence Laboratories.PAC is the best suitable technology for Harsh effluents like leachate Treatment.PAC is most suitable for Grey water treatment and recycle in residential complexes, hospitals, commercial establishments. Studied by Anna University, Chennai for reliability and approved by TNPCB -Tamil Nadu Pollution control Board.
Sludge less Treatment: Products
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